Messages about the PRO-AM competition
Thursday February 18th at 19.00. The tournament starts at 19.30. A welcome drink and some sandwiches will be served before the start. LG Magnusson will be tournament director.

The Pro-Am competition will be played at the restaurant of the Kungliga Tennishallen, Lidingövägen 75, Stockholm.

All PROs  are expected to be dressed properly. I.e. jacket/blazer with tie is minimum. If someone wants to use smoking or a suit it’s up to him.

The purpose of this event is to make the evening something special for the amateurs, something they will remember as a truly enjoyable evening. They are going to have the chance to play bridge with some of the best players in the world, they are going to meet a lot of interesting people and they will have a chance to make new contacts.

The three best amateurs will get trophies. PROs will get no prizes. Masterpoints will be given to both PROs and amateurs.

Our foreign guests will be taken care of. For the swedish players we recommend that you get in contact with players from the Stockholm area and try go with them.

The number of boards to be played is 24. The competition is individual and two boards is to be played on each round. One Pro will always play with one Am. 

Systemcards will be found at the venue before the competition. The Am:s will choose their card and present it for the Pro at every new round. They will have the following choices to make:

4- card majors   Limit and Jacoby 2 NT
5-card majors with best minor   Limit and Jacoby 2 NT

15 – 17 NT   Stayman and transfer 
16 – 18 NT    Stayman and limit

Strong two openings   ACOL style
2 clubs gf with weak 2 DHS  2D relay on 2C, Jacoby 2NT on weak two’s

20 – 21 NT or 22 –24  Stayman    

High level bidding:
Quebids. and RKCB or Blackwood 4A

Other conventions:
Takeout doubles, Michaels Cuebid and Unusual NT 

1 – 3 – 5 (10-12)  or  2 – 4 (11)

Signals: Low – High Encorg and Even, High – Low Discrg / Odd or vice versa.

