WBF1.0C:\WINDOWS\Skrivbord\WBF CCE\notes.txt $16849999999912444412444415282828999999999999999999050505051422222299 1#} RED 1#} Swedis Bridge Federation 1#} ALL 1#} Johan Ebenius - Kaj Kokko 1#}Strong 1 (16+), 5card M's promising 8-15HCP, NT-strength vary (in the 1#}range of 8-16HCP) with vulnerability and position. 1 is either an unbal 1#}hand with exactly 4card M and 11-15HCP or a (semi)bal hand with 1#}strength complementary to the 1NT-opening. We use lots of (R) and such 1#}auctions may evolve into another way to specify strength, zz-points: A=3 1#}K=2 and Q=1. We often use TRF's, in the def as well as in the offensive. 1#}8-11, 8-13, 11-13, 14-16, 15-16 1#}Most of the time ART with at least G/T values 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1-3-5 1-3-5 1#} 1-4 (If 8 or lower), 1-3 from 3 Same 1#} Same Same 1#}2-4 thruu declarer except in partner's suit 1#} 1#} AK AK 1#} AK doubleton or KQ KQ or unblock Q 1#} QJ, (AQJ) QJ or unblock J 1#} JT, AQJ JT, AQJ 1#} KJT, T9, Tx AJT, KJT, T9, Tx 1#} KJ9, KT9, QT9, 9x AQ9, AJ9, KJ9, QT9, 9x 1#} 1 or 2 card suit xxxxx, xxxx, xxx, xx 1#} 3:rd / 5:ft 4:th best 1#} LO ENCRG, note8 LO E LO ENCRG 1#} LO E Reversed Lavintahl LO E 1#} Reversed Lavintahl Lavintahl completed Reversed Lavintahl 1#} LO ENCRG, note8 "Oddball", note9 LO ENCRG 1#} LO E LO E LO E 1#} Reversed Lavintahl Reversed Lavintahl Reversed Lavintahl 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}Almost all of our D's is for T/O, we do not need extras to act, the DIST is 1#}more important. We play Leb and Herbert in many situations after T/O. 1#}Even a NT-opener frequently T/O-D with the right dist. If E bid a new suit 1#}over P's T/O my D is a "2card D", asking P to stand with a nice 4cardsuit 1#}1-(1)-D = 4+, 1 = T/O w less than 4card 1#}3card support-D/RD from opener when P has showed 4+M and we are 1#}able to stop in 2 of that M. 1#}Over enemy's slam when it's obvious that a sacrifice will be contributable 1#}we play D in pass out seat as a 1-trick-D, asking P to sacrifice w 0 tricks. 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}Agressive 1-level O/C, sound 2-level. After a 1-level O/C we use the 1#}"specialized 2" (note 1) and TRF's 1#}The 2NT-bid is often Leb, Scramble or Good Bad (note16) 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}15-18, SYS ON. TRF to enemy suit is G/T+ values with SHO in E suit. 1#}In balancing position 11-14 over 1m and 11-16 over 1M 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}Good PRE in bid suit or bad PRE in next suit. Exc: 3/4 = PRE 1#}Jump strong NF vs weak. Vs strong, see 1-Suit w/o Exc: 3/4 1#} 1#}DIST 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}Vs weak NT (weak = may have 13HCP or less): D = STR, 2 = M-ask, 1#}at least (43) in M's or 33(61), 2 = M-O/C, weak or STR for 3Level+, 1#}2M = nat, about 12-16HCP, 2NT = m's, 3m = onesuiter. 1#}After a D pass = a desire to play in that strain, even though it was ART 1#}Vs strong NT: Same but D = 4-5, if only 4card, unbal or 44 in M's 1#} 1#}Over wk2 we play Leb after T/O-D. Over higher PRE we play T/O-D w 1#}nat bidding except over 3-D where 3 is gen wk or FG. 1#}A 4Level m-O/C is 55 in the m + a M. 2M-3M = m's 1#}Non opening 1-bids, SYS on. Vs STR orMulti-meaning 1 we often bid 1#}with lousy hands and maybe even with 4(3)card. 1NT+ is Multi (note10) 1#}Vs 1 Multi where one of the alt is a strong hand we often pass w STR, a 1#}delayed auction except in passout seat promises about 14+HCP 1#}Aggressive 1Level O/C's, sound 2Level. T/O may be light. 1#}Michaels cuebid. Two-way PRE's. 2NT-Jump = 2Lowest unbid 1#}After P's D we use the one step bid as 0-6(7) or conv FG 1#} 1#} x 0 (note 3) 16+HCP, V not 16 bal (note4), 1 = 0-4zz, 1+ = conv FG, 5+zz 1-1:1 = 19+, 1-1+: (R) or break (note5) Same but 4zz may be enough to FG 3#} x 0 High a) (semi)bal 1 = 3+suit or G/T+(R), 1 = 3+suit, 1NT = "0+" 1-1 (note6), 1-1 (note7), 1-2 (note10) Same but 1-2m = nat 9-11(12)HCP 3#1932210976} b) 11-15, 4card M, 5-10zz 2 = FG unbal, 5+m, 2 = inv w 5-4m's / 6+m 1-2 (note9) 3#20} 2M = 3-8HCP, 6+suit 1step = G/T-ASK, 3m= suggestion 2#} 5 High 8-15HCP, 5+suit, 4-10zz 1 =6-15(R), 1NT = 5+, 2 = FG(R) / 6+m, inv 1-1:1NT = 13-15, almost any / 4card  Same but 2 = 9-11(12)HCP 2#825046560} 2 = 3+, 12-16 supportpoints, 2 = 3-8, 6+suit 1-1NT:2 = (12)13-15 or 4+ 2#} 5 High 8-15HCP, 5+suit, 4-10zz 1N=6-15NF(R), 2 = FG(R) / 6+m, inv, 2 = P = 8-10, 2 = 13-15 almost any or 3+, 8-12 Same but 2 = 9-11(12)HCP 2#1312131080} 5+, 2 = 3+, 12-16 supportpoints 2 = 4+ or 11-12, 3card, 2 = 8-12, nat 1#} High (semi)bal, STR vary (note 2) 0+HCP STAY, 4card TRF's, 3x = conv FG 1NT -2: 2NT/3 = 44 M's min resp max Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} 5 High 11-15, no 4card M, 5-10zz 2 = G/T+(R), 2M = 5+, F1, 2NT = 5+, F1 2-2:2=m's, 2=min, 6+, 2NT+ FG,(note11) Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} 5 High 11-15, no 4card M, 5-10zz 2 = G/T+(R), 2 = 5+, F1, 2NT = 5+, F1 2-2:2=m's, 2NT=min,6+,3+ FG, (note11) Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} x 0 2 7-11, 6+suit or 0-7, 5+(6+V) M-bids = P/C, 2NT = G/T+(R), 3m = nat G/T 2-2N:3=bad min, 3R = TRF, medium-max Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} 6 No 7-11, 6+suit 2NT = G/T+(R), 3-3 = TRF's, 3 = PRE 2-2NT: 3=no SHO, 3R=SHO,3=-SHO, min Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} x No 12-15, 55 in m's, 6-10zz 3m = suggestion, 3 = FG(R), 3 = NF 2NT-3:3=SHO, 3NT = -SHO Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} x 0 No Good PRE in  or bad in  m-bids except 4 = P/C, M-bids nat NF 3-4: acc to maxminMultiRKC (note 12) Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} x 0 No Good PRE in  or bad in  3 = NF, R-bids = P/C, 4 = conv FG 3-4: acc to maxminMultiRKC (note 12) Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} x 0 No Good PRE in  or bad in  M-bids = P/C, 4 = conv FG 3-4: acc to maxminMultiRKC (note 12) Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} 7 No Good PRE 4 = maxminRKC 3-4: acc to maxminRKC (note 12) Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} x 7 No Solid m with 3-6HCP outside 4 = P/C, 4 = conv FG, 4M = nat 3NT-4: see (note 13) To play but over D RESP bids 4 with nothing 1#} x 0 No Good PRE in  or bad in  m-bids = P/C, 4M = nat, 4NT, see (note 12) Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} x 0 No Good PRE in  or bad in  R-bids = P/C, 4 = nat, 4NT, see (note 12) Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} x 0 No Good PRE in  or bad in  M-bids = P/C, 4NT, see (note 12) Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} 7 No Good PRE 4N, see (note 12) Same (even if itīs unlogical sometimes) 1#} x No Asking for specific aces (note 14) Same 1#} 7 No PRE 1#} 7 No PRE 1#} x 6 No Asking for trump quality Raise one level w A/K, two for both Same 1#} x 6 No Asking for trump quality Raise one level w A/K, two for both Same 0# 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} *10}*20}*30}