Niklas Data SKROT Magnus Eriksson - Mårten Gustawsson These are the conventions that we play and you may want to know of in advance. Our 2 spade opening shows at least 5-5 in one major and one minor, 6-10 hp. - Your defensive methods should not include 'wait-a-while' because with bad cards responder often just passes. - You should decide what double says about spades. Responder often passes a double of 2 spades. It's the player who is last in turn who escapes. Therefore: 2 S - (P) - P - (Dou); P does not show spades. Our 2 diamond opening shows 6-10 hp with one major. Not vulnerable we have a fivecard suit more often than we have a sixcard suit. - Also here can responder pass with uninteresting cards. We sometimes uses transfers in competitive auctions. 1 C - (1 D) - Dou shows at least 8 hp and at least 4+ hearts. 1 H shows at least 8 hp and at least 4+ spades. 1 S is a transfer to 1 NT. (11-13 BAL may bid a fivecard minor.) (1 H) - Dou shows at least 8 hp and at least 4+ spades. 1 S is a transfer to 1 NT. (11-13 BAL may bid a fivecard minor.) (1 S) - Dou is a transfer to 1 NT. (11-13 BAL may bid a fivecard minor.) 1 D/H/S - (Dou) we use transfers from 1 NT to 2 in openers suit. 2 below openers suit shows a good simple raise. (1 natural C/D/H) - 1 D/H/S - (Dou) here we use transfers in the same way.