Niklas Data CROSS COUNTRY SKI CLUB PG Eliasson - Thomas Magnusson Our only brown sticker-convention is: 2 NT which is 4-10HCP and at least 5-5 in either minors or majors responses 3 cl,D,sp for play or correct 3H forcing 3SP Minors 3NT Majors 4C 5-5-0-3 extras 4D 5-5-3-0 -"- 4H 0-3-5-5 -"- 4SP3-0-5-5 -"- 4 any pass or correct Other openings at 2-level 2 cl 5 card+side suit or 6 cards 11-15 precison style 2 D weak in a major or 4D and 6+ cl 11-15 2NT one round forc 2 M 5-card and at least 4-card lower suit 4-10 2nt asks for the other suit new suit non forcing raise preemptive