Niklas Data TWO-WAY CLUB Anders Palmgren - Calle Ragnarsson [1] Low from three small cards in partnerīs suit. [2] Suit preference when dummy has singleton/void in the suit led. Low card is ENCRG, high ODD card prefers higher ranked suit, high EVEN card prefers lower ranked suit. [3] When declarer wins the first trick (on either hand)the defence signals ODDBALL to the second trick as follows. Low card from the declarer's LHO is positive attitude to the suit of opening lead, low card from declarer's RHO is negative attitude to the suit of opening lead. [4] (1x)-p-(1y)-DBL shows 4-4 in unshown suits, not necessarily strong. (1x)-p-(1y)-1NT shows a good overcall in the lowest unshown suit. (1x)-p-(1y)-2x shows a good overcall in the highest unshown suit. (1x)-p-(1y)-2y shows a good two-suiter in the unbid suits /at least 5-5/ (1x)-p-(1y)-2NT destructive two-suiter in the unbid suits /at least 5-5/ (1x)-p-(1y)-1z often lead directing in z. [5] New-suit advances F1, raise/dblraise PRE, 2NT natural. [6] (1x)-2x shows at least 5-5 in highest+one unshown suits. Generally style: sound and constructive 2NT asks for second suit. [7] (1x)-2NT shows at least 5-5 in two lowest unshown suits. Generally style: sound and constructive [8] e.g. 1H-(2C)-2H-(3C/D);X shows values for a game invitation, while 3H is competetive. [9] Unexpected X of oppenents 4 H/4S/5x MIGHT BE for directly ruff. Lead directing X vs 3NT follow special rules: Defending side not bid anything: Dummys (first) suit. Doubler has bid one suit: This suit. Doubler has shown two suits: Second suit. [10] (1NT)-2C-(p)-2H; (p)-2S shows 5S+5H (equal quality) (1NT)-2D-(p)-2H/S; (p)-3H/S shows 5S+5H (extra values) (1NT)-2C/D-(p)-2x; (p)-2NT shows 3-suiter with shown major+both minors [11] Second hand X is T/O to 3D; higher is optional. BUT: (4H)-X promise at least 3-card S Fourth hand X is T/O to 3S; higher is optional. Normal strategy is to bid on optional X when on the edge. [12] vs 3H/S is second hands 4C/4D for T/O with other M; 4D promise MUCH better D then C [13] New suit F1. Overcall raise NF, while cuebids and new suits is F1(+). [14] Defesive strong hands usually passes 1st round; jump shifts weak (often weaker than normal) After conv responses (strong/weak) X is lead directing; 1NT (or X on 1NT) shows minors; jumpshift to 2NT shows distributional 2-suiter in minors. [15] 1H/S-(1S/2C)-3C shows 4-card H(S) 8-11 HCP 1H/S-(1S/2C)-3D shows 3-card H(S) 10-12 HCP (even 4-card with 4333) 1H/S-(2D)-3D shows 3-card H(S) 10-12 HCP (even 4-card with 4333) BUT: 1H/S-(2D/2H)-3C is natural FG with 5+ C [16] (continued from Conv.card): 2m 8-11 5+m, 2H INV w/both mi no M, 2S relay to 2NT w/ GF without M- BAL or onesuiter in m, 2NT 12-13 BAL no M, 4m SAT [17] (continued from Conv.card): 3x INV, 4m SAT