44th European Championships Round 29 Seniors Series

Table Home Team Visiting Team IMPs VPs Rankings
after Round 29
Home Team Visit. Team Home Team Visit. Team Rank Country VPs
1 Ireland Lith/Pol 22 37 11 19 1 France1 574
2 Italy2 Netherlands2 27 37 12 18 2 PE/France 557.5
3 France2 Spain 35 11 21 9 3 France2 527
4 GBR1 Poland2 14 44 7 23 4 Poland1 526
5 Israel GBR3 19 20 15 15 5 Sweden1 517
6 Czech Rep. Belgium 58 6 25 2 6 Italy1 492
7 Netherlands1 PE/France 27 64 5 25 7 Czech Rep. 486
8 Portugal GBR2 18 43 8 22 8 Poland2 482
9 Bye Turkey

0 18 9 Israel 476
10 Austria2 Germany 11 31 10 20 10 Poland3 472
11 Sweden3 Italy1 27 35 13 17 11 Germany 467
12 Poland3 France1 12 34 9 21 12 GBR3 459.5
13 Lebanon Austria1 12 34 9 21 13 Austria1 459
14 Yugoslavia Sweden2 28 27 15 15 14 Italy2 457
15 Sweden1 Poland1 21 15 16 14 15 Turkey 450
Generali Group

16 Netherlands1 446.5
17 GBR2 427
18 Sweden2 412
19 Netherlands2 410
20 Sweden3 399
21 Lith/Pol 395
22 Spain 391
23 Belgium 389
24 GBR1 358
25 Lebanon 351
26 Portugal 341
27 Ireland 324
28 Austria2 319
29 Yugoslavia 200

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