WBF1.0 $16849999999912444412444415282828999999999999999999050505051422222299 1#} Artificial - RED 1#} POLAND 1#} ALL EVENTS 1#} KRZYSZTOF JASSEM & PIOTR TUSZYŃSKI 2#}Three-way 1 opening: NAT, PREP or STRONG, 2#20}1 response is ART, other responses to 1  are positive, from 7 HCP 1#}five-card majiors, non-forcing 1NT response 1#}flexible negative doubles style 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}15 -17 HCP 1#}NAT, 1 round forcing 1#}2NT: BOTH MINORS(6-11) 1#}2: 5+, 5+s(6-11) 1#}1 RESP: 3-way = NEG(0-6), minor(s)(7-11) or STR BAL(16+) 1#}1 - Pass - 1- Pass - 1M: at least 3 cards 1#}1 - any bid - 1M - any bid - 2: 17+ HCP at least 3-card support in M 1#}1s - Pass - 1M - Pass - 1s(1NT) - 2: ASK 1#}1s - Pass - 1M - Pass - 2 - 2: ASK 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}After 2 opening the bidding is forced to game 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}very rare as a responder 1#} 1#} 2nd/4th same 1#} 2nd/4th same 1#} 2nd/4th same 1#}low from doubleton-non honour 1#}9 from 109(), 10 from 109 1#} AK() Ak() 1#} KQ() KQ() 1#} QJ() QJ() 1#} J(10), HJ10 J(10), HJ10 1#} H109, H10x, 10x, 109 H109, H10x, 10x, 109 1#} 109(+) 109(+) 1#} xSxx(+), 10Sxx(+) xSxx(+), 10Sxx(+) 1#} 10xxS(+), 10xxS(+), 1#} Hi/lo=O Hi/lo=O S/P 1#} Hi=DISCRG S/P Hi/lo=O 1#} S/P 1#} Hi=DISCRG S/P S/P 1#} Hi/lo=O Hi/lo=O Hi/lo=O 1#} S/P 1#}Trumps:Hi-lo is S/P 1#} 1#} 4#}T/O DBLE promises 3 cards an unbid major(s), 2 cards in unbid minor(s) 4#20}1NT - DBLE =5+m 4M 4#20}1NT - 2s- DBLE = negative, denies shortage in doubled suit 4#1162625604}1-DBLE-2-2NT = minors 1#}CUE-BID promises rebid 1#}1 is NEG after the T/O double over 1 1#}Reopening - 9+HCP 1#}1-DBLE-2-DBLE promises 4 0# 1#}RESP DBLE shows values (usually two suits) 1#}LEAD-DIRECTING DBL(L/D) 1#}1s-DBLE-1s(2s)-DBLE: NEG 1#} 1#} 1#} 2#}1-level: usually 5 cards (4 cards occasionally) 2#20}Jump bids = PRE if NVUL, MEDIUM (12-15) if VUL 1#}Jump RAISE=PRE 0# 1#}New suit=F1, NT RESP = NF 1#}DRURY- FIT 0# 2#}1NT: 2ND/4th Live = 15+-18+HCP, Stayman, TEXAS TRF 2#20}1NT: 4th = 11 - 14, no stopper required 1#}Reopening: 11- 15, Responses: 2 = ASK, others = NAT 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}PRE if NVUL, INTERMEDIATE if VUL 1#}3 over 1: PRE, 4m over 2M: 6m & 4OM 1#} 1#} INTERMEDIATE 1#}MICHAELS CUE 1#}JUMP CUE ASKS STOP 1#}Reopen: 3-level cue over 2-level opening asks stop 1#} 1#}VS STRONG: 2: any 1-suiter;advancer's 2=P/C;new suit bids=NF 1#} 2: both majors, 2M: 5M, 4, DBLE: 5m, 4M 1#} re-open: DBLE: 10+, 2 suits, 2: 2 suits other than clubs, up to 10HCP 1#}VS WEAK: NAT, DBLE: 13+HCP 1#} re-open: DBLE: 10+, 2 suits, 2: 2 suits other than clubs, up to 10HCP 1#} 1#}T/O DBLES, Lebensohl 1#} 1#} 1#}VS 1: 1NT = 5s, 4M(7-15) 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}1s is forcing, 2s is non-forcing 1#}1M-(DBL)-1NT=CONSTRUCTIVE RAISE(7-10) 1#}2M=WK raise, 2NT = LIMIT Raise(8-11) 1#} 3#} Yes 0 4 12 - 14 BAL, 1 = NEG (0-6) or shows minor(s) (7-11), or 1 - 1 - 1 (1) - at least 3 cards, 3#20} 12 - 22 NAT, 16+ BAL (no major fours) 1--1 - 1NT (18-20 HCP) 3#20} 18 -23, ANY other are positive (7+ HCP) 1#} No 4 4 12 - 18 INVERTED MINOR RAISES 1#} No 5 4 12 - 18 1NT NF, 2NT FG with support, 3 LIMIT 2NT Resp. Rebid NF, 1-2-2-2 = 6s, FG DRURY-FIT 1#} No 5 4 12 - 18 1NT NF, 2NT FG with support, 3 LIMIT 2NT Resp. Rebid FG, 1-2m-2s-2 = 6m, FG DRURY-FIT 2#} No 4 NVUL 15 -17 Stayman, TEXAS TRF 2#20} 3s = shortage and two suits (usually 5431) 1#} Yes 0 FG 2 = less than three controls, 2#} Yes 0 2 5+, 5+ other suit, 6-11 HCP Pass random, 2 = "pass or correct" 2#8987668} 2NT = ASK, 3 = PRE 1#} No 6 weak two 2NT = ASK with support, other = NAT, F1 1#} No 6 2NT = ASK with support, other = NAT, F1 1#} Yes 5+, 5+, 6-11 HCP 3 = ASK 1#} No 6 PRE, 3rd/4th seat - random 1#} No 6 PRE, 3rd/4th seat - random 1#} No 6 PRE, 3rd/4th seat - random 1#} No 6 PRE, 3rd/4th seat - random 1#} Yes GAMBLING, no stopper 4D = ASK 1#} Yes 0 4=STR 4 4D ART=ASK for extra values 1#} Yes 0 4=STR 4 4 ART=ASK for extra values 1#} No 6 PRE 1#} No 6 PRE 1#} 1#} No PRE 1#} No PRE 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#}1st + 2nd round cue-bids equally 1#}ROMAN KEYCARD BLACKWOOD, 102 if clubs agreed 1#}SPLINTER, AUTOSPLINTER 1#}DBL is regressive 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} 1#} *10} *20} *30}